Dan Torop

Part 9: Common Lisp, incf, decf, structs

Continued from Emacs Lisp programming pt. 8.

Common Lisp

(require 'cl)

Put this at the start of your code and you can use Common Lisp commands (incf, decf, setf, defstruct, etc.).

incf and decf

(setq x 5)
(incf x 3)      ;; ==> 8 (equivalent to (setq x (+ x 3))
(incf x)        ;; ==> 9 (equivalent to (setq x (1+ x))
(decf x 7)      ;; ==> 2 (equivalent to (setq x (- x 7))
(decf x)        ;; ==> 1 (equivalent to (setq x (1- x))


(setf x 5)      ;; same as (setq x 5)

The useful bit about setf is that you can set things which aren’t quite variables, such as the contents of a struct.


The saying goes that programming consists of defining data structures and then making algorithms to change them. defstruct allows the former.

(defstruct obj x y ch)

(setq o (make-obj 5 5 ?^))
(draw-char (obj-x o) (obj-y o) (obj-ch o))
(incf (obj-x o))
(setf (obj-ch o) ?!)

Note using setf rather than setq to change something within an object.


(mapcar* '1+ '(4 5 6))      ;; ==> (5 6 7)

Calls the function 1+ on each item in the list (4 5 6), returning the result.

Can be used to create a list of structures:

;; data

(defstruct obj x y ch)

(defun make-char-obj (ch)
  (make-obj :x (/ width 2) :y (/ height 2) :ch ch))

;; algorithm

(defun move-char3a ()
  (pop-to-buffer "test")
  (let ((chars (mapcar* 'make-char-obj '(?> ?< ?^))))
    (dotimes (i 2000)
      (dolist (c chars)
	(draw-char (obj-x c) (obj-y c) (obj-ch c))
	(incf (obj-x c) (delta))
	(incf (obj-y c) (delta))
	;; stop at edges
	(setf (obj-x c) (clamp (obj-x c) 1 width)
	      (obj-y c) (clamp (obj-y c) 1 height)))
      (sit-for 0.03))))

Needs standard helper routines, including

(defun clamp (num low high)
  (min (max num low) high))

Stripes using structures

(require 'cl)

;; global variables

(setf bkgd-width 60)
(setf bkgd-height 40)
(setf bkgd-char ?\s)
(setf stripe-char ?\s)

;; helper routines

(defun make-grid ()
  (dotimes (i bkgd-height)
    (insert-char bkgd-char bkgd-width)

(defun gotoxy (x y)
  (goto-char (+ x (* (1- y) (1+ bkgd-width)))))

(defun draw-a-stripe (s)
  (gotoxy (stripe-x s) (stripe-y s))
  (let ((actual-width (min (1+ (- bkgd-width (stripe-x s)))
			   (stripe-width s))))
    (delete-char actual-width)
    (insert (propertize (make-string actual-width stripe-char)
			'face `(:background ,(stripe-color s))))))

(defun random+ (n) (1+ (random n)))

; data
(defstruct stripe x y width color dx dy)

(defun build-a-stripe (color)
  (make-stripe :x (random+ bkgd-width) :y (random+ bkgd-height)
	       :width (random+ bkgd-width)
	       :color color :dx (- (random 3) 1) :dy (1+ (random 2))))

(setf color-choices (defined-colors))
(defun random-color ()
  (nth (random (length color-choices)) color-choices))

(defun random-gray ()
  (format "gray%d" (random 101)))

(defun build-random-stripes (num)
  (loop repeat num
	collect (build-a-stripe (random-color))))

;; two different ways to build stripes, use one or the other!
(setf the-stripes (build-random-stripes 100))
(setf the-stripes (loop repeat 100 collect (build-a-stripe (random-gray))))

(defun animate-a-stripe (s)
  (draw-a-stripe s)
  (incf (stripe-x s) (stripe-dx s))
  (if (cond
       ((> (stripe-x s) bkgd-width) (setf (stripe-x s) 1))
       ((< (stripe-x s) 1)          (setf (stripe-x s) bkgd-width)))
      (setf (stripe-y s) (random+ bkgd-height)))
  (incf (stripe-y s) (stripe-dy s))
  (if (> (stripe-y s) bkgd-height) (setf (stripe-y s) 1))
  (if (< (stripe-y s) 1)           (setf (stripe-y s) bkgd-height)))

(defun animate4 ()
  (pop-to-buffer "stripes-animation")
  (setf cursor-type nil)
  (while (not (input-pending-p))
    (dolist (s the-stripes)
      (animate-a-stripe s))
    (sit-for 0.01)))